"The question isn't who is going to let me,it's who is going to stop me."

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I Am Scared

As I stand on the threshold of the door leading unto the real world I feel scared. The last 25 years of education I hope has not been able to subdue my intellectual curiosity. I hope that I can still challenge and change my views and notions built of "study" and mould them to real learning. I fear that now that the time for real learning has come, my education may prevent me from doing so. It was not all bad but what it did do was never allow me to ask questions and led me to only believe in what I was taught. Nobody would tell me the meaning of education. All anyone would say it will help you in leading a better life, which I think in all probability means a better lifestyle. But is that all there is to education: a better lifestyle. Will it ever help me to contribute in some way that only I can. Will it not help me to find who I am. I guess not. Such questions cannot be dealt with by formal education. When I see the kids these days carrying a bag full of books and learning by rote what they are taught, I feel like crying. Why is there no individuality found for them. Or do the teachers believe in "all are born equal". Yet they do not question why some are good at numbers and some are good with creative arts. The best that I have yet come across in literature dealing with this subject is Sherlock Holmes, when he says to Dr. Watson. "Now that I know that the earth goes around the sun, I will do my best to forget it." As he points out to Dr. Watson that this basic fact is of no use to him or his profession.
There's lots more to write on this subject. But I will today only put down this thought. I can see light at the end of the tunnel. I hope it is not a train rushing onto me. I hope it the light of knowledge and sunshine.

This is a post taken from his blog, dated Feb 19, 2006

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