"The question isn't who is going to let me,it's who is going to stop me."

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Often you have heard that debate,
Who is better for a State.
Is it a dictator unopposed,
Or a leader in an elected post.

Some say democracy is the Best,
Anyone can compete to be Ruler with the rest.
It brings out the best in the country,
And keeps a check on the ruler from giving People Worry.

Others say dictator is Better,
He can discharge his duties quicker.
He can curb corruption and bureaucracy,
He can make State a real fantasy.

But is democracy in true sense followed?
It is by fanatics and powerful men completely swallowed.
And what about the dictator so Great,
His Rule makes the Eyes of people wet.

A king should be one, so that all love him,
In his reign, in happiness the people Swim.
He takes care of his People like his sons and daughters.
And makes the state and the World better.

-by P2

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