"The question isn't who is going to let me,it's who is going to stop me."

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Why Do Men Socialise ?

Leave alone those gatherings which take place to celebrate life and real friends. But the others in my opinion are held because men do not want to keep their mind idle. Most believe in the age old adage "Idle mind is the devil's playground". Hence most do not even think out the consequences of reasoning out this proverb. They fear that keeping away from such social gatherings will lead to them being alone. And it is a no brainer that when you are alone you are lead to introspect. You are lead to think and reason your actions, your motives, your philosophy in life. It is something that most would like to run from and hide. All realise that if they do not work nobody will earn for their food. It is he who is responsible for his own survival. And man not being a being which can hunt for his food each day of his life, he has to plan ahead. Even the gangster who loots from people at gunpoint has to work. And to work you need to think, to plan. Instead people would rather go for gossip where they get opinions for earning their own living from people who have the same purpose of coming to that gossip: to know how to earn their living. To use the fruits of somebody's else's thinking. Let such sit down for a few days and not socialise. Most would refuse outright. Some I believe would be led to drastic measures. But there will be a handful who will realise who they are and what are the consequences of their actions. To those few I say: please gather the courage and develop your philosophy in life.


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